Step 3: Input your Player's Names

Input your player's names in this form.

Players assigned numbers 1–12 are required, a box for extra names or other info is included at the end. If you don't know any players' names, write "Pending," just be aware we won't start on your banner until we have all the names—you'll have to update your info with us via email.

Put the name of each player into the box of the jersey number they have been assigned (for example, Johnny has been assigned # 5, so his name goes into the box for Player Number 5). If your player's numbers are not 1–12, please list the correct number with the player's name.

Note: We can't start on your banner until we have all  the team and player information. 

Players' Names

Please PROOFREAD carefully—whatever you write is what we will typeset.

If you want to have your banner shipped, please add that to the "more information" box on the checkout page and we'll get in touch with you to determine the best shipping option and price.